As part of ongoing dialogue and cooperation with neighboring countries on anti-human trafficking efforts, Thailand and Cambodia held a meeting in Bangkok to develop a joint action plan to implement the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) on law enforcement cooperation to combat human trafficking, prioritizing the need to tackle online exploitation and trafficking.

On 29 May 2024, Mr. Anukul Peedkaew, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS), co-chaired a meeting in Bangkok with
his Cambodian counterpart to discuss the joint action plan to implement the SOP on law enforcement cooperation to combat human trafficking (2023-2025).

The joint plan of action to implement the SOP is expected to help both sides make progress and increase efficiency in investigation, prosecution, and victim assistance and protection in the criminal justice system.


As immediate neighbors, PS Anukul recognized that Thailand and Cambodia share the risks of human trafficking, exacerbated by constant migration across the border, with online trafficking activities emerging as a new threat. This meeting was therefore a response to the need for both Governments to work closely together and address these challenges and concerns. The two sides also discussed way forward and future cooperation between the two countries.

In efforts to eliminate human trafficking, the Thai Government has implemented several measures, including amending necessary laws and regulations, improving the reporting system through “Protect U” application, raising public awareness of human trafficking and online trafficking threats, especially children, ensuring victim protection in accordance with international standards, promoting employment opportunities for victims, enhancing officials’ capacity, and implementing the National Referral Mechanism (NRM). Equally important to countering trafficking in persons is the close and continuous cooperation with partners, especially those within the Mekong Sub-region, ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific.


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