MSDHS organized a focus group meeting with network agencies to discuss progress on anti-human trafficking efforts and prepare the Progress Report before submitting for the U.S. 2023 TIP Report process.
March 24, 2023. Ms. Sarah Binyoh, Technical Social Development Advisor, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS), chaired the 3P focus group meeting to prepare a Progress Report on Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts. Also present were Pol Gen Thammasak Witcharaya, Deputy Secretary-General to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, and 50 representatives from related agencies, joining both virtually and in-person.

The Progress Report covers the period of January to March 2023 and will be submitted to the U.S., in addition to the 2022 country report already submitted in January, for 2023 TIP Report assessment.

The Meeting considered the details and complementarity of the 3Ps, namely prosecution, protection, and prevention, and tasked the lead agencies of each area to adjust and complete the report and submit to MSDHS and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to consolidate and translate into English. The Report will be submitted to the U.S Embassy in Bangkok by April 4, 2023.
Source : https://www.thaigov.go.th/news/contents/details/66629
Update: download the Progress Report (January – March 2023) here