Thailand is the 77th Member State to have ratified this landmark Convention.
On 7 June 2016, the Minister of Labour of Thailand, General Sirichai Distakul, deposited the instrument of ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) , with the International Labour Organization on behalf of his Government.
Thailand is the 77th Member State to have ratified this landmark Convention. The MLC, 2006 establishes a strong compliance and enforcement mechanism based on flag State inspection and certification of seafarers’ working and living conditions. This is supported by port State inspection of ships to ensure ongoing compliance between inspections. Aimed at protecting the world’s 1.2 million or more seafarers, it addresses the evolving realities and needs of an industry that handles 90 per cent of the world’s trade.

In depositing the instrument of ratification, General Sirichai Distakul, Minister of Labour of Thailand, stated: “It is a great honour and pride for the Government of Thailand to be part of the cooperation mechanism of the ILO member States to upgrade the world maritime labour standard. We would like to encourage ILO member States to consider ratifying this landmark Convention. The ratification of the MLC, 2006 can be of tripartite benefit to shipowners, seafarers, and governments: (i) for shipowners, with the certificates of maritime labour compliance prescribed under the MLC, 2006, obstacles will be eradicated and entry into port of ratifying countries will be facilitated; (ii) for seafarers, they will be entitled to an international standardized protection in every process regarding recruitment, working and living on board outside of working hours; (iii) for governments, they will be able to maintain maritime fleets which are internationally accepted and their international trade competitiveness will be enhanced.”
In receiving the instrument of ratification, Mr Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General, commented: “The ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 by Thailand is yet another testimony of the importance of the Convention for countries worldwide, as it impacts on the manner in which they carry out maritime trade, inspect ships calling at their ports and protect the rights of the seafarers. Thailand has more than 12.000 seafarers and a merchant fleet of 3,368,993 gross tons. I welcome this new ratification that brings one more important player in the Asia Pacific region within the scope of the MLC, 2006, thereby promoting quality shipping and providing additional protection for seafarers transiting within waters of the region.”
The MLC, 2006 will enter into force for Thailand on 7 June 2017, that is, one year after its ratification. More than 90% of the world gross tonnage of ships is covered by the MLC, 2006. For more background information, please visit the dedicated MLC, 2006 webpage at/mlc.
Source: http://www.ilo.org/global/standards/maritime-labour-convention/news/WCMS_488396/lang–en/index.htm