What is the Global Slavery Index? (Source: http://www.globalslaveryindex.org/)
The GSI is the flagship report produced by the Walk Free Foundation, a global organization dedicated to ending modern slavery. The methodology for the Index was developed through extensive consultations with an international and independent Expert Advisory Group.
A methodology was developed to measure how governments are responding to modern slavery in 167 countries. A team of researchers collected data against the following five objectives for each country:
- Survivors are identified, supported to exit and remain out of modern slavery.
- Criminal justice mechanisms address modern slavery.
- Coordination and accountability mechanisms for the central government are in place.
- Attitudes, social systems and institutions that enable modern slavery are addressed.
- Businesses and governments through their public procurement stop sourcing goods and services that use modern slavery.
Who endorses the Global Slavery Index?
Among those who endorse the GSI are, for example, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, former UK Prime Minister and UN Special Envoy on Global Education and Bill Gates. The index is also referenced by the UN Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) and cited by many news media such as the Washington Post, the Guardian and Newsweek. (For more information, please visit http://www.globalslaveryindex.org/endorsement/)
How was Thailand ranked in 2014?
On the scale of AAA to D, Thailand was ranked “B”. The general characteristics of a country that has received a rating of B are as follows;
The government has introduced a response to modern slavery, with limited victim support services, a criminal justice framework that criminalizes some forms of modern slavery, (or has recently amended inadequate legislation and policies), a body or mechanisms that coordinate the response, and has policies that provide some protection for those vulnerable to modern slavery. There is evidence that some government policies and practices may criminalizes and/or deport victims, and/or facilitate slavery. Services may be provided by International Organizations (IOs)/ NGOs with international funding, sometimes with government monetary or in-kind support.
When compared with other countries in Southeast Asia, Thailand was ranked the second best after the Philippines, which received a BB.